Category: Attitude

  • On Challenging Yourself

    In the modern world of the 2020’s, it is very easy to be immediately satisfied. Thanks to online streaming, gaming and stores, we can (un)happily avoid most human contact and tell ourselves that we have healthy friendships, they just all happen to be pseudonyms, and that we enjoy culture when we binge Netflix for the fifth hour today.

    Here’s a practical challenge, a quest of sorts: take a moment to list what makes you curious. What world do you want to enter?

    Then find a book about that. Read it till the end unless it is utterly boring and badly written. If you decide to quit, figure out the specific reason, and also decide the next step you’ll take.

    Little by little, page by page your resilient identity and attitude will grow. It will spread to other areas of life.

    How will you challenge yourself today?

    What is the next step you take?