Exercise: If this happened now (15 min)

Reflect on your challenge and strengthen your creative solution-focused imagination using this exercise.

If your problem or challenge was solved in this very moment, what would your situation now look like?

What would you notice now? Write down the current date and time and that which you would notice.

What would you perhaps notice tomorrow or next week? Write your observation with the future date and time.

Take a look at your written reflection later today, tomorrow and next week. How do you view it? What happened that lead to that result in that future moment?

On scale 0-10, where 10 is most probable and 0 is the opposite: how probable is it now that your challenge is solved within the next week?

What would increase the probability by 1 on that scale?

On scale 0-10, where 10 is the most confident and 0 the least, how confident are you now in your ability to solve the challenge?

What would increase your confidence by 1 on that scale?

Reflect (5 min): What was good in this exercise? What was most challenging?

Return to your notes in the next few days. How do you now view your challenge?