
  • Kasvun asenne

    on narratiivissasi

    jota nyt tuotat

    miten vastaat jähmeisiin


  • Stressivasteesi
    tuho vai polttoaine
    valita hyvin.

  • How do I do what is difficult here?

    Where do I focus my effort?


  • On Stochastic Leadership

    Do random things and generate random narratives, see what sticks and from there seek to build policy from which you privately benefit.

    Works especially well in large-scale systems with low levels of trust and constant “shocking” newsfeeds. Works, as in sufficiently maintains social cohesion through strong emotions.

  • On value and waste

    You either add value or you create waste.

    Which one is this what you are currently doing – does it add lasting value or merely waste?

  • Monimutkaisuus
    synnyttää jähmeyttä
    voimistaa kykyjesi
    suuntaa ketteryydellä.

  • On Patience

    How can you show patience today?

    How do you keep good attitude while waiting?

    What outcome are you – individually and all people in the situation – actually waiting for, or striving toward?

    How do you communicate that now?

  • What do I always do in these situations?

    What runs in my family?

    Am I capable of change?

    When you start to become more aware of your narratives (e.g. internal voices telling you whatever), you can start to redirect them – that is, redirect your attention, and thus you spend your energy and efforts more consciously in this moment.

    What are my goals?

    How do I act now?

    Can I shift my focus towards the constructive today?

  • The more time you spend asking “Why?” the less time you have to work on “What is my next plan?”.

    This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for reasons why, but keep the phase short enough so that it quickly translates into action.

  • What actually happened?

    How do you feel about that?

    What have you learned?

    What will you change?

    When will you do it?

    Who will hold you accountable for the change?